Items for Sale

Items I have for sale were collected over the decades from many sources or removed from old equipment for my personal use.  Most items have never been tested and only a few have ever been used by myself, but most have proven to be as good as new because I am very selective in what I collect and keep. I do not want to disappoint or mislead anyone however, so each item I am capable to test is checked as it is packed for shipment and either repaired if defective or payment is refunded. If I am unable to test an item, this, it's history and any doubts I have about the item will be made known to anyone enquiring.

After selling more then 1200 items . . . . . .

  • No untested items have been reported defective, but some untested used tubes
    (that I knew nothing about and sold for much too little) were reported to be as good as new.
  • Several of the items tested before shipment have been found defective, but they were all repaired
    before being shipped except for one tube with an open filament.

The following was received regarding one of the repaired items . . .

Just want to let you know that I installed the power supply you sent a few weeks back and it is working like a champ. Thanks a million for checking it out prior to shipping and also for the quick repair. Wish everyone with whom we do business had such a keen eye for detail as you.
David Battigelli - Granger, Indiana

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